
LL05  •  19th December, 2018  •  2 minutes

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View of Cairns from Edge Hill

Disengaging from routine is underrated. It is easier to keep being busy. Yet as Alan Kay famously said, perspective is worth 80 IQ points.

So I wish all of you an energising rest over the holiday season, with enough time to climb up a mountain for its blue-sky perspective. I kindly hope this gives your routines occhiolism, allowing you relief from this year and optimism for the next.

Ps. Along the same line of thought, here’s my favourite design article of 2018. TL;DR to generate a richer self (or a richer form), default to the “repeated elaboration” of doing the most natural, lazy things that accord with you (or that form).

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An electronic letter from Callum Flack.
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